
Here are some updates about Roseto in the form of a changelog.


10 Jun 2024

The new Roseto

The new and final iteration of Roseto is here. Roseto Collective is now just Roseto.

But why?

We have been working on Roseto for a while now, and we have been through a lot of changes. We started as Ciorogarla Unita, then we became Roseto Collective, and now we are just Roseto, while also solidifying our objective, now focusing on personal development.

We thought this was the best approach for us to take in order to offer more experiences and have a stable foundation for our projects.

Having an unstable base as a an objective was not the best approach for us. We want to offer more products and services, and we want to be able to do that in a sustainable way.

What’s changing?

Roseto will start offering different products and tiers. We will also start offering services like web development, web design, and consulting.

Here are some of the changes summarized:

  • Roseto Link will be discontinued on Dec 19, 2024;
  • Platforma Ciorogarla will be discontinued and replaced with a new service to host web applications;
  • roseto.space will be closed on Aug 15, 2024;
  • roseto.co will be closed on Jan 26, 2025;
  • Roseto Diplomas will be discontinued on Jan 26th 2024;
  • Roseto’s internal studio will be closed;
  • DocuSeal will not be used anymore;
  • profiteri.eu.org will be completely removed;
  • Roseto Docs will be closed;
  • Roseto will reside at roseto.dev;

Roseto will still keep it’s focus on privacy and security. We will still not track you, we will still not sell your data, and we will still not have ads. Projects like ciorogarla.eu.org will still be available and community oriented, and we will still be working on open-source projects.

This is the final iteration of Roseto. We are excited to see what the future holds for us, and we are excited to see what we can build together.

13 Mar 2024

Making Roseto greener and faster

Newest update to Roseto’s webpage and Roseto Link includes new ways of fetching and displaying data. This will make the website faster and more reliable.

We managed this by using more caching when building our website, reducing the build time to an average of 30 seconds. This is a 50% improvement from the previous build time.

We also use a new way of caching data from the database, only fetching new data when necessary, such as when a new diploma is issued. This will make /verify faster and more reliable, while also reducing the load on our servers.

All in all, we made strides to using less resources and less compute time, making our servers produce less CO2. We are proud to be a part of the solution to climate change.

26 Jan 2024

Ok, ok, now we really are new!

Following the previous update, we had this coming for a while. We renamed ourselves to “Roseto Collective”, which is a name that better represents us. We are a collective of people, and we are working on a project called Roseto. We are not a company, we are not a startup, we are not a non-profit, we are a collective.

We also changed our domain to roseto.co [roseto.co(llective), get it?], which is shorter and easier to remember. roseto.space will still work until 15 Aug 2024, but it will redirect to roseto.co.

22 Jan 2024

We revamped our website, welcome!

We are happy to announce that we revamped our website. We really hope you like it!

We incorporated a new design language, evolving off of the previous one, but now everything is bigger and more readable. As you can see, we also added a blog in the form of a changelog, where we will post updates about the project.

And just because we wanted to celebrate, we also started working on 2 new projects: